External services
On this page you will find all the external services you may need during your stay in Bruges. We give you information about medical services, public transport and other ways of getting around in the city.
Medical emergencies
If you need urgent assistance immediately and need an ambulance contact the European free emergency telephone number. This is the number 112. Via this line you can reach the police, the fire department or the ambulance. This number can be called from any phone (landline or mobile).
Looking for the closest family doctor to your residence? Below we provide the closest family doctor for each address. GPs are often not open on weekends. Contact the number 1773 or go to the doctor’s surgery at the hospital.
During evening, night, weekend & public holidays: dial 1773
During regular hours:
- The Boulevard House:
Huisartsenpraktijk De Zwaene
Gulden-Vlieslaan 41/1, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 12 30 08
- Central Park:
Huisartsenpraktijk De Gentpoort
Gentpoortstraat 57, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 44 40 40
- The Corner House:
Dr. Moeyersoms Astrid
Braambergstraat 24, 8000 Brugge
The two closest hospitals with an emergency department are:
- AZ Sint-Jan Hospital:
tel. + 32 50 45 21 11
Ruddershove 10, 8000 Bruges - AZ Sint-Lucas Hospital:
Tel. +32 50 36 91 12
Sint-Lucaslaan 29 – 8310 Brugge
- High and Dry:
Apotheek Coene
Katelijnestraat 50, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 33 53 32 - The Boulevard House:
Apotheek Reynaert
Scheepsdalelaan 10, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 31 56 87 - Central Park:
Latruwe Christine
Braambergstraat 23, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 33 13 44
- The Corner House:
Apotheek Soete
Vlamingstraat 17, 8000 Brugge
+32 50 33 25 93
- Generaal Lemanlaan
Apotheek Vandebroek
Astridlaan 1, 8310 Assebroek
+32 50 57 06 48
During non regular hours: dial +32 50 44 88 44 or check https://www.apotheek.be/
Public Transport
Official taxi ranks can be found at the Bruges railway station, along Bargeweg (canal island), in Boeveriestraat, on the Market Square, in Vlamingstraat (opposite the City Theatre), in Kuipersstraat (next to the library)
A bus travels between the Bruges Railway Station and the City Centre and back every five minutes. It’s a relaxing way to get to and from the City Centre. The buses stop within easy walking distance of your accommodation, main shopping streets, historical buildings and museums. To plan your bus ride please click on the button.
To plan your train ride to Ghent, the coast,… please click on the button.
Funny fact: our favourite laundromat is actually in Ghent. Even worth a visit if you don’t have dirty laundry because of the drinks, bites & concerts! Luckily also Bruges has some laundromats close to your accommodation:
Korenmarkt 9, 9000 Ghent
Wassalon ‘t Schaarte
Wassalon Belfort
Bike rentals
Cycling in Bruges can be a fun way to explore the city but also the beautiful countryside along the “Damse Vaart”. Just pay careful attention to the cobblestones! We are speaking from experience :-).
Here are some recommendations for bike rental in Bruges:
Ben’s bike
Bruges bike rental
Niklaas Desparsstraat 17, 8000 Bruges
Koolkerkse Steenweg 7A, 8000 Brugge (a bit out of the centre)
Ride on!
Tourist information
- Hard to believe but just in case there is still something you didn’t find on our website: https://www.visitbruges.be/en is an excellent portal to find additional information for visiting Bruges. Available in EN, NL, DE, FR & ES!
- They have 3 info desks within walking distance of your accommodation:
- In the Historium on the Great Market square (#1 on the map)
- In the big orange concert building on ‘t Zand square (#2 on the map)
- On the corridor leading to the platforms at the rail station (#3 on the map)