Directions to YouStay locations in Bruges
YouStay has different locations in Bruges.
We recommend to already check your YouStay location beforehand on Google Maps.
Here we give some tips to easily reach your YouStay location:
Driving directions
We recommend using Google Maps https://maps.google.com
or Waze https://www.waze.com/
Walking directions
Bruges is a quite small city, so this means you can do a lot by foot.
We recommend using Google Maps https://maps.google.com
Train directions
You can plan and book your train journey on this website:
Other website: https://www.thetrainline.com/
Taxi directions
There is a taxi stand at the Railway station in Bruges.
Click here for a list of all authorised taxi companies in Bruges and their details:
Bus directions
This is the best website to schedule your bus routes:
Enjoy your stay in beautiful Bruges!