Doctors in Bruges
Looking for the closest family doctor to your residence? Below we provide the closest family doctor for each address.
GPs are often not open on weekends.
Contact the number 1773 or go to the doctor’s surgery at the hospital.
During evening, night, weekend & public holidays: dial 1773
During regular hours:
- High And Dry (Hoogste van Brugge 5, 8000 Brugge)
- The Boulevard House (Koningin Elisabethlaan 12, 8000 Brugge)
- Central Park (Freren Fonteinstraat 13, 8000 Brugge)
- The Corner House (Hoogstraat 10, 8000 Brugge)
- The General (Generaal Lemanlaan 67, 8000 Brugge)
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate do contact us!